

Today English class teacher wrote 3 questions on a white board...
The questions are:-
●If u were an animal, wat would u be?
●If a fairy grants u 3 wishes, wat would u choose?
●If u were to rule the world, wat changes would u hav?
I want the 3 wishes geh...
Because i hav tooooooooooo many wish want to achieve before DOOM..wakaka
First, I want to loss my weight to 45kg, so i can wear piaopiaoliangliang geh baju shoppingXD
Second, fly to Korea to see my loving Jiyong n his concert<jiyong,i oredi pregnant~lalala>
Third, I want find a clear n big punya room n move out from tis suck place..and I want move out alone.=.=

Siapa can help me to achieve ha...xD

